

At Manchester Digital, 我们喜欢采访我们的会员,以了解更多全球最大的博彩平台他们在大全球最大的博彩平台数字和技术领域所做的工作. 本周我们与卢克·哈里森,学术领导-高等技术技能 University of Salford.

The University of Salford has launched new digital and 科技 qualifications. 你能否详细说明这些课程将使毕业生具备哪些具体的技能和知识,以满足数码和科技行业不断变化的需求?

Our Higher Technical Skills courses are designed to give hands-on, vocational training – for these courses, our students ‘Learn by Doing’. 这些资格证书提供了一到两年的集中经验,并为学生完成学业后立即就业做好准备. 我们是大全球最大的博彩平台理工学院(GMIoT)的主要教育合作伙伴,这意味着我们正在与城市地区的各种学院和雇主合作开发课程,确保我们的学习者拥有现实世界的经验,并为他们未来的工作做好准备, 工程, health and digital sectors. 

Some specific examples: 

        DipHE Business Analytics

By studying this programme, 学生将发展一系列的技术和沟通技巧,使他们能够成功地履行业务分析师的角色. The programme has been designed in collaboration with major employers and throughout, learners will have the opportunity to work with employers on simulated and live projects, to develop skills, knowledge and experience. 该方案是映射到研究所的学徒和技术教育职业标准的业务分析师, meaning it develops in students the skills, knowledge and behaviours demanded by employers in this sector.

        HND Esports Business Management

该计划吸引并激励未来的人才在快速发展的行业中获得就业机会. The fundamental aspects of esports are the cornerstone of the course, collaborating with grassroot online communities, esports tournament organisers, gaming innovators, publishers and working with national/ international governing bodies. Students learn in a bespoke immersive environment, built to host the digital requirements of the course. This includes an esports tournament arena, broadcasting equipment and an esports lab for teaching, 学习, 和游戏. 

        DipHE Data Science (from Sept 2025)

这个项目, mapped to occupational standards, 向学生介绍数据科学和数据分析的基础知识,并为他们提供使用行业标准工具的实践经验, systems and 编程 languages. Students learn through hands-on exercises, group activities and live industry briefs, and work with messy, real-world datasets in realistic, problem-based scenarios

        DipHE Automation and Instrumentation (from Sept 2025) 

这个DipHE在自动化和仪器仪表提供了一个全面的课程,涵盖基础数学, 物理, 编程, 行业4.0, data acquisition and automation principles. 该方案是映射到职业标准,并准备学生在工业自动化领域的蓬勃发展的职业生涯, which is in high demand across various industries.  

What was the thinking behind the design of these new qualifications? How did you identify the skills gaps in the industry and tailor the curriculum accordingly?

The University is keen to meet the future needs of learners and employers, 这包括开发一个可以支持终身学习和技能发展的投资组合. The courses are designed to be applied, relevant and authentic. 高等技术技能课程也可以通过高等教育提供更容易获得的途径,因为它们时间较短,并且通常以一种意味着学习者可以在学习期间适应其他承诺的方式交付.

In terms of developing the programmes, a huge amount of work was done in setting up the GMIoT, and our own new programmes, consulting labour market data nationally, regionally and locally, and getting employers on board from day one. 在索尔福德, we have well established sector boards working with our academic teams, and a long history of embedding industry engagement in the curricula. 


索尔福德大学将如何支持毕业生从学术界过渡到工作场所? What kind of career services and industry placements are available?

Throughout their time at Salford, the students get to work on live briefs, undertake workplace visits, meet industry guest speakers, and are taught by active practitioners; they are closely connected to the workplaces they want to enter after finishing their studies. 

As these programmes are practical and taught through applied 学习, 学生们以他们毕业后的工作方式“学习”——这些课程的设计与他们在商业中所做的事情密切相关. 

所有GMIoT的学生都有机会参加丰富的活动,培养社区意识,并为毕业做准备. 作为索尔福德大学的毕业生,我们的学生可以充分利用校友职业支持和网络. 


我们与当地企业和行业机构合作,共同开发和实施课程. Through the GMIoT, students benefit from partnerships with employers such as Laing O’Rourke, 西门子, GCHQ, and we arrange regular guest speakers from and visits to Greater Manchester based SMEs. 

The courses are developed with the help of industry leaders, 这意味着每个模块都经过仔细考虑,将有助于培养未来专业人士所需的技能. 我们还希望为许多这些课程获得更高的技术资格(HTQ)地位-这是由学徒和技术教育研究所授予的新的国家标志地位. 

Through our Education membership with Manchester Digital, 随着投资组合的发展,我们希望发展和扩展这些对话,并欢迎更多希望完成更高技术资格的学生. 

为什么该地区的雇主要优先考虑索尔福德大学(University of Salford)新数字和科技项目的毕业生? What sets your graduates apart from other graduates in the field?

学生们之所以选择这些课程,是因为他们渴望以动手的方式学习技能,并迅速进入职场. 他们把这些课程看作是进入工作的途径,对行业和课程内容都有真正的热情. 他们参加了一个旨在让他们掌握雇主告诉我们他们需要的技能的项目. 

了解更多 about the University of Salford Higher Technical Skills programmes 在这里.


了解更多 about the University of Salford 在这里

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